I use acupuncture on a daily basis to treat a variety of conditions in pets including allergies, arthritis, intervertebral disc disease, liver and kidney disease and more. Acupuncture works by stimulating specific points on energy pathways (meridians) to optimize circulation, decrease inflammation and regulate of the endocrine and immune systems. There are a variety of techniques that can be used to stimulate the acupoints. Technique selection and efficacy varies among practitioners. I most frequently use aquapuncture as I find it is tolerated well by most patients and the effects seem to last as long, if not longer, than other techniques.

  • Dry-Needling- Insertion of a tiny, solid metal needle into the acupoint. The needles are left in place for 5-45 minutes and sometimes are twisted periodically during this time.
  • Electro-acupuncture- Dry needles are inserted and then connected to an electroacupuncture unit which emits current through the needles and into the point. The frequency and amplitude of the electrical impulses vary depending on the type of condition being treated.
  • Aquapuncture- A small hypodermic needle is inserted into the acupoint and a small amount of solution (typically saline and vitaimin B12) is injected into the acupoint. The acupoint is stimulated as the fluid is absorbed by the body.
  • Hemoacupuncture- Injection of the patient’s blood into an acupoint is sometimes used for specific immune stimulation.
  • Pneumoacupuncture- Air is injected under the skin layer over a diffuse region. This technique is most often used for localized areas of muscle atophy due to nerve damage.